"My" Odyssey TV Show In Production This Fall!


I've worked on many great pilots that didn't get picked up, to be honest. But it would have been particularly heartbreaking if this near-perfect pilot and concept didn't get a shot. I music supervised the pilot in April 2014 and it was one of the first series picked up by NBC this year. The wonderful script was written and developed by Adam Armus and Kay Foster (Heroes producers) along with Peter Horton, who also brilliantly directed the pilot. Word is it won't air until Winter 2015 because Peter wanted to shoot in Morocco, as he did the pilot, which created a beautiful and dangerous landscape for the international part of the story. You can read more about it on the NBC Odyssey site, they liken it to "Traffic", I think it's more like "Homeland" with a corporate corruption angle instead of CIA intrigue. I'll post more about the music here when we actually get started. And P.S. the cast is super-talented and super HOT!