"My" Odyssey TV Show In Production This Fall!


I've worked on many great pilots that didn't get picked up, to be honest. But it would have been particularly heartbreaking if this near-perfect pilot and concept didn't get a shot. I music supervised the pilot in April 2014 and it was one of the first series picked up by NBC this year. The wonderful script was written and developed by Adam Armus and Kay Foster (Heroes producers) along with Peter Horton, who also brilliantly directed the pilot. Word is it won't air until Winter 2015 because Peter wanted to shoot in Morocco, as he did the pilot, which created a beautiful and dangerous landscape for the international part of the story. You can read more about it on the NBC Odyssey site, they liken it to "Traffic", I think it's more like "Homeland" with a corporate corruption angle instead of CIA intrigue. I'll post more about the music here when we actually get started. And P.S. the cast is super-talented and super HOT!

Festival Couch Surfing - Reading & Leeds This Weekend

Arctic Monkeys

arctic monkeys upsized

There's a fine festival taking place in L.A. this very weekend, FYF Fest with Phoenix, Interpol, The Strokes, Slowdive (what?), Slint (whaaaat?) . But on the chance that you just had surgery and are laid up in bed, out of funds, hate crowds or can't find a babysitter for the tots, here's a great alternative: watch the British classic Reading & Leeds festival from home this weekend. Vampire Weekend, Arctic Monkeys, Jake Bugg and QOTSA? I'm in. No plane ticket or tent required. Here's a handy guide from NME as to set times. Reading & Leeds Festival 2014 - NME's Guide To What To Watch From Home

New Album Coming From Ryan Adams

From NY Times/Dave Itskoff "ITSKOFF: You’re known for being a prolific songwriter, yet your new album, “Ryan Adams,” is your first in three years. What took so long? ADAMS: Some of that time was life, like yardwork, walking the dogs. I made a record with Glyn Johns, and we spent a bunch of money on it too. Then I had to go sit at a dinner table with my manager and the head of Capitol Records and say, “Hey, man, you can’t put this out.” It was about losing my grandmother. It was too sad."

Read the full interview here.

Nice interview with Ryan Adams in the NY Times (his new album comes out Sep 9), although it's clearly sensationalist of them to highlight the weed comment. Ryan mentions that he lost his grandmother which even makes me sad because I read about her in his introduction to "Our Noise", the book about Superchunk and Merge Records. His introduction to that book was so eloquent, heartfelt, and unexpected that it remains lodged in my memory like a shiny penny. Here is an excerpt, which I typed in by hand, (apologies copyright gods) but maybe a few of you will get interested in the book. It's a must for 90's indie rock fans. You know who you are.

Your Noise-My Noise

by Ryan Adams

All my favorite records and your records crackle like summertime crackles like fried eggs stove-side or accidental fireworks backyard heavy in North Carolina on the coast--mid-day it gets so hot even inside, in the cool, the blazing waves of electric orange light pant like a litter of starving dogs just outside the gate--yeah, sometimes you need comics or records to get you through until the dust settles and the damp evening can cool your brains down enough to see past your own stupid face. That was me. Me looking at my first 7-inch record. I was all "what" and "huh," you know ...

Merge 7-inch singles came packaged like candy. They also looked a little like comics, which was good because I liked both and I liked girls so much they scared me so it all seemed like the perfect distraction, at least to me, and surely to my grandmother, who would patiently listen with me on our portable record player in the wood-paneled kitchen while she baked this or that cake or whatever--she liked how much cymbal crashing was going on--somehow overlooking the melodic weirdness or angst, how forgiving and awesome those moments--in fact before I had money for records she would write the checks and mail them for each PO-boxed 7-inch I desired in exchange for however many times the lawn got mowed but I did that anyway so really she funded my habit, embarrassingly.

He goes on it great detail about what receiving these 7" records in the mail meant to a young South Carolina misfit. Eventually he met Mac (of Superchunk) at a show and everafter pestered him with questions about his record label, making 7"s, the record business, etc. It's really a sweet story. And that's all just an introduction to the book that goes on to relate the story of Superchunk and Merge Records and many more stories of music in the 90's. You really should Buy The Book!

The Value Of Vinyl

excerpted from the NY Times/Monte Reel: 

"In an office near the back of his 25,000-square-foot warehouse in São Paulo, Zero Freitas, 62, slipped into a chair, grabbed one of the LPs stacked on a table and examined its track list. He wore wire-rimmed glasses, khaki shorts and a Hard Rock Cafe T-shirt; his gray hair was thin on top but curled along his collar in the back. Studying the song list, he appeared vaguely professorial. In truth, Freitas is a wealthy businessman who, since he was a child, has been unable to stop buying records. “I’ve gone to therapy for 40 years to try to explain this to myself,” he said.

His compulsion to buy records, he says, is tied up in childhood memories: a hi-fi stereo his father bought when Freitas was 5 and the 200 albums the seller threw in as part of the deal. Freitas was an adolescent in December 1964 when he bought his first record, a new release: “Roberto Carlos Sings to the Children,” by a singer who would go on to become one of Brazil’s most popular recording stars. By the time he finished high school, Freitas owned roughly 3,000 records.

After studying music composition in college, he took over the family business, a private bus line that serves the São Paulo suburbs. By age 30, he had about 30,000 records. About 10 years later, his bus company expanded, making him rich. Not long after that, he split up with his wife, and the pace of his buying exploded. “Maybe it’s because I was alone,” Freitas said. “I don’t know.” He soon had a collection in the six figures; his best guess at a current total is several million albums."

Read the full article here, I beg you.

There are many things I could have written about today, but this man touches my heart. I love him more than a little, and if I were not already married, might in fact send him a proposal. He is singlehandedly saving vinyl, an art form that is unique, precious, and captures a moment in time like no other. He is preserving it and making a library (I might say a sanctuary) that people can visit, learn about and either re-live or begin to appreciate this art form. This exact same idea occurred to me several years ago when I saw a documentary about a man in New York with a million records that he couldn't sell. I daydreamed about getting a grant to buy them, and bringing them to a Culver City warehouse and making a library where students of music could have access to this amazing archive. I am so pleased to know that someone wealthy is carrying out my plan in an even grander style than I dreamed of. This is the sort of thing rich people =should= do with their money but rarely do. Hail Zero Freitas, the saviour of vinyl.

Cat Power and the School Of Doodle

From NME.com: "Last week something really exciting happened in the world of music. Musicians Cat Power, Kim Gordon, Yoko Ono and Courtney Love joined with artists such as Marina Abramovic and Pussy Riot and other creative people to support a new revolutionary venture in the form of an educational platform for teenage girls."

Read the rest of this article where Cat Power rips on the current system of education in the U.S.

She also has a solution -- she's helping a lot of other creatives start an online imagination school for girls called The School Of Doodle. You can see their Kickstarter video here, the school is just in the beginning phases but currently being tested by the people it was designed for, teenage girls. I love that the internet can be used for something this awesome. I'm reminded of a wonderful book I just read called "The Diamond Age", a postcyberpunk novel by Neal Stephenson which details a future in which a certain set of teenage girls get creatively educated and basically get set up to take over the world. I know you can leap to a stereotype of a shallow, annoying, frivolous teenage girl but that's not what these girls are like. They're thoughtful, resourceful, strong, caring and resilient. And I think Cat Power and her buddies are on the right track to harness the imagination and determination of teenage girls. I'd rather be with them than against them, that's for sure!

"Sold-out Burger a-Go-Go Fest celebrates girl punk in Santa Ana," I love it!

burger fest

from the LA Times/Randall Roberts:

"It takes only a couple of dedicated people to build a music scene. If what they do is righteous and resonates, listeners searching for community will gather. If, like Burger Records, what they envision becomes reality, fans will pack clubs to pogo, slam, stage-dive and sing along.

As proved by the scrums of believers dancing at Saturday's sold-out Burger a-Go-Go, a wild, celebratory, festival of girl punk centered on Fullerton's electrifying Burger label and record store, they'll share, support and spread the word. They'll even help revive a dying recording format, the cassette, by buying tapes at five bucks a pop to play in the TEAC deck that Dad never threw away.

Starring a team of underground bands bent on injecting fresh fuel into catchy three- and four-chord power jams, Burger's fest offered a deft, joyous, seamlessly delivered lineup of acts including Shannon and the Clams, the Coathangers, La Sera, the Muffs, Bleached, Dum Dum Girls and Best Coast. Each ripped through quick songs within quick sets on three different stages at the Observatory in Santa Ana and set the dance floors aloft.

That every band on the roster was fronted by a woman seemed both beside the point and exactly the point. Most rock festivals, after all, are default guy-rock gatherings, because fellas with guitars have run the scene, the biz and the studios. So a focus on the female perspective stands to reason."

Read the rest of the article here.

I love love love what Burger Records is doing out of Fullerton - my birthplace by the way! It is easy to find examples of music getting more and more mainstream and commercialized, labels and record stores going under. But this proves that there will ALWAYS be a place for independent thinking that will appeal to music fans. It makes me happy.

Fargo TV Series Score Available

Just a quick note to let you know that the gorgeous score for Fargo (An Original MGM / FXP Television Series) is now in stores! Composer Jeff Russo is a real talent and I enjoyed working with him on Fargo immensely. He and Noah envisioned the score before a frame of film was shot, and he wrote the main themes in advance, which worked out beautifully. They required an orchestra to really bring the score to life, which meant recording overseas due to budget constraints that eliminated the option of using local union musicians. It was worked out so that Jeff could remotely be involved with the recording sessions via an advanced kind of video chat, communicating directly with the Prague conductor as it was happening. It was a pretty ambitious undertaking but it all worked out, as you could hear throughout the season!

Jeff Russo - Fargo (An Original MGM / FXP Television Series) Amazon | iTunes | Artist Site

PS Aug 25 update: I just posted a list of all the songs I licensed for the Fargo TV series here.  

Take Me To The Augustines' Cruel City Anytime


Once upon a time there was a band called Pela. Pela captivated me with their 2007 album Anytown Graffitti, regrettably released just when my show at KCRW was ending or I would have played the hell out of it there. As it was, I included their song "Lost To The Lonesome" on my "Best of May 2007" list and told anyone who would listen all about it. In October of 2007 I attended the College Music Journal convention in NYC and was lucky enough to catch them at the Bowery Ballroom. The show was memorable to me not only for their amazing performance but because the lead singer Billy McCarthy looked more like a highschool quarterback than an indie rocker. Not to mention a voice that could either be raspy and energetic like Bruce Springsteen or gorgeous and haunting like Gary Lightbody. Lush guitars that were engaging but not overly grand. Their influences, Bloc Party, Springsteen, Interpol were apparent but combined in such a non-conventional way, and with such a distinct sound of their own that it was only appealing. They were indie for sure and I was hooked. I was bummed when I heard that Pela were breaking up in 2009 after just one album and one EP. But looking on the bright side, I thought that maybe the breakup would eventually lead to more wonderful music, like when Uncle Tupelo morphed into Wilco and Son Volt. Or Minneapolis' Lifter Puller became Brooklyn's The Hold Steady. Luckily, my wish came true. By 2011 Billy McCarthy and his Pela bandmate Eric Sanderson had formed a new band called We Are Augustines, recorded a bunch of songs they had been working on when Pela broke up, and released an album titled Rise Ye Sunken Ships that painfully (but beautifully) dealt with the death of McCarthy's mother and the suicide of his brother. Three years later (they don't rush things, do they?) we have what is already a 2014 highlight, the new Augustines album, self-titled. (Slight name change for the band from We Are Augustines to just The Augustines) It has all the qualities I loved about Pela and they've settled into themselves with a confidence that makes it even more appealing. It opens with a beautiful instrumental and the next song, Cruel City, should convert you if you are not already a fan. If you are tired of The National because their songs all sound the same or feel like The Arcade Fire is just a bit overwrought, The Augustines' passionate restraint (I know that's an oxymoron) might be just the ticket for you. And with about 50 U.S. and international dates coming up, they are sure to be near you soon!

The Augustines - The Augustines: Amazon :: iTunes :: Official Site

Another Indie Rocker Gets His Due On Mainstream Awards Show

Alex Ebert, Edward Sharpe | Golden Globes

You might have missed it since Bono and his moving words about Nelson Mandela were next up on stage, but longtime Los Angeles indie rocker Alex Ebert won the Golden Globe last night for Best Original Score for Robert Redford's film "All Is Lost". Alex was the genius behind Ima Robot from 2003 to 2010 and more recently one of my favorite bands, Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros (Edward Sharpe being a ficticious character). If I had made a best of list for 2012 (blame that on the twins), his album "Here" would definitely have been on it. I also love 2009's "Up From Below", it was a slow burner with me but came on strong. We featured the song "40 Day Dream" from that album in the final episode of NBC's much overlooked TV series "Mercy", which starred a then-unknown Taylor Schilling who also received her due last night as a nominee for best actress in a comedy series for her role in "Orange Is The New Black". I wonder what I'm working on now that will show up in Golden Globes in a few years ?!?!

You won't be sorry if you spend some time with Alex Ebert's music, easy links below:

Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros "Up From Below" amznitun

Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros "Here" amznitun

Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros (self-titled) amznitun

Ima Robot "Another Man's Treasure" amznitun

Alexander "All Is Lost" (soundtrack) amznitun

Best Albums Of 2013

best of 2013 revised 2

Some people spend December making lists of gifts ... I spend it making lists of albums. First a "definitely best of" list ... then a "possibly best of" list ... then a "better listen to that" list. Many headphone hours later, I always arrive at a clear cutoff point between the albums I am willing to go to the mat for and the albums that, although good, don't quite measure up to my absolute favorites of the year. I don't pad out the list to make a nice round number, I just let it lie wherever it naturally falls. This year the cutoff came at 35 albums. Now that might seem like a lot of records to you, but I estimate that 5000 albums, at least, passed through my office this year. That means these 35 were not just in the top 1%, but in the top .7% of albums released in 2013. So I think you should check them out. Chances are you'll find something good. Peace, ~tricia P.S. you can easily sample each album by using the Amazon or iTunes links below the artwork - I spent a ridiculous amount of time embedding these links so I hope you use them! Also, here is a BEST OF 2013 SPOTIFY PLAYLIST but be warned that several artists are missing from Spotify, including Thom Yorke's Atoms For Peace, Wildlife, and only two tracks are available from the excellent Storyman album.

P.P.S. They're in alphabetical order by artist name. Adding rankings to this list is futile when I love them all in their own unique way. There would be a different #1 every day!

Joseph Arthur Provocative. Thematic. Arresting. amznbanditun


Atoms For Peace ThomYorke. Beauty. Beats. amznbanditun


Beach Day Bouncy. Beachy. Fun. amznbanditun


Bibio Melodic. Ambient. Lovely. amznbanditun

Black Rebel Motorcycle Club Speeding. Danger. Thrills. amznbanditun


Cayucas Delicious. Indiepop. Summer. amznbanditun


Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jr. Peppy. Indie. Cinematic. amznbanditun


Dr. Dog Gritty. Soulful. True. amznbanditun


Eels Pretty. Dark. Odd. amznbanditun


Fitz & The Tantrums Irresistable. Passionate. Faultless. amznbanditun


Frightened Rabbit Sparse. Scottish. Epic. amznbanditun

Front Bottoms Sloppy. Lovable. Punky. amznbanditun


Generationals Hooky. Lo-Fi. Smart amznbanditun

Goldspot Poetic. Dynamic. Brilliant. amznbanditun

Growlers Enigmatic. Warm. Sparkly. amznbanditun


The Head and The Heart Sweet. Melancholy. Acoustic. amznbanditun

Robyn Hitchcock Endearing. Quirky. Personal. amznbanditun


Houndmouth Kentucky. Lumin-ous. Bright. amznbanditun


Iron & Wine Dreamy. Soothing. Lovely. amznbanditun

Leftover Cuties Joyful. Relaxing. Shiny. amznbanditun


Local Natives Yearning. Voice. Intricate. amznbanditun


Laura Marling Stunning. Timeless. Husky. amznbanditun


Moby Builds. Rich. Gorgeous. amznbanditun


The Olms PeteYorn. Classic. Organic. amznbanditun


Portugal. The Man Bedeviling. Rhythmic. Edgy. amznbanditun

Ra Ra Riot Love. Dance. Clever. amznbanditun


Josh Ritter Bare. Heart. Break. amznbanditun


Royal Teeth Adorable. Effervescent. NoLa. amznbanditun


Sin Fang Giant. Robot. Folk. amznbanditun


Storyman Compelling. Guggenheim. Irish. amznbanditun


Thao & The Get Down ... Girlfriend. Rock. Art. amznbanditun


Tired Pony GaryLightbody. Emotion. Graceful. amznbanditun


Vampire Weekend Genius. Happy. Songwriting. amznbanditun

Wildlife Wow. Soaring. Celebratory. amznbanditun

Yeah Yeah Yeahs Intimate. Layered. Growly. amznbanditun

Awesome Music As Featured On NBC's Camp!

camp map 2

I was delighted to work with Liz Heldens (Mercy, Deception) on Camp this summer although it meant I didn't really get a summer vacation! But I did get to watch a lot of summer fun, which is almost as good as going away. Also, I was able to put a lot of my favorite bands into these ten episodes, man, we crammed a lot of music in here! I made a Camp Spotify playlist as best I could although quite a few of the songs are not on Spotify. So here is the official official list of what was in the first nine episodes of Camp. I'll update with the tenth episode next week.  Any questions, find me on twitter ...

CIT Overnight

While the CITs enjoy a camp ritual, Robbie has a wild day off.

A Summer Thing


Anything You Want

Jars Of Stars


The Little Ones

Start Somewhere

Dry Spells

Best Thing Yet


Another Love

Dave Calandra

Time And Place

Last Dinosaurs

Down River

The Temper Trap

Really Great World


Harvest Moon

Mack's father starts a prank war with Camp Ridgefield; Kip lays it on the line for Marina.

Best Day Of Your Life

Katie Herzig

All That I Needed


All Sense Of Time

David Wax

The Wedding

Heartbreak hits Camp Little Otter hard when Raffi and Todd decide to get married.

Best There Is

Stray Palace

Don't Stop Dancin


Locked Out Of Heaven

Bruno Mars

Take A Walk

Passion Pit

Stubborn Love

The Lumineers

Parent's Weekend

The CITs' parents descend, bringing a whole lotta drama to Camp Little Otter.

Every Little Thing

Valley Lodge


Fitz and The Tantrums

My Heart


Heat Wave

As temps climb sky-high, life around Camp Little Otter heats up big time!

House On Fire

Fitz & The Tantrums

Love Natural

Crystal Fighters

Drop Down

Designer Drugs


The Potbelleez

Don't You Know


Something Is Not Right With Me

Cold War Kids

Sunshine  Ft. Adeaze

Alphrisk The Apostle

Valentine's Day In July

Camp Little Otter celebrates the spirit of love with a carnival for charity.

Stubborn Love

The Lumineers

Miracle Mile

Cold War Kids

East Coast Girl


Fresh Til My Death Feat. Mareko


Lost In Time


Food Fight!

Be Your Own Pet


Last Dinosaurs

Song Of Birds



Vance Joy

Back Of My Mind


Finally Free



The Weight & Hurry

The Mixer

Little Otter hosts the annual mixer with Camp Ridgefield - hijinks ensue!

Put a Light On


Everything's Cool

The Androids

Gotta Crush (instrumental)

Cocktail Slippers



Do My Thing



Naughty By Nature

World Of Beauty


Where The Kids Are


It's Alright

Brotha D

High School Lover


Capture The Flag

Mack's ex returns to Little Otter, wreaking havoc during an epic game of Capture the Flag. 


The Walkmen

Hold Me Up

Nazca Lines

Lorena Bobbit



Summer Fiction


Cold War Kids

Credit Cards

The Falcon


Empire Of The Sun

The Same Tattoos



Mack Granger struggles to keep Little Otter Family Camp afloat as her campers arrive for another unforgettable summer.

Out Of My League

Fitz & The Tantrums

Brighter Day

Sam Gray

Two Weeks

Grizzly Bear

Do Your Thing

Sweet Lorraine


Vampire Weekend

We Run The Night

Havana Brown

Juvenile Thrills

The Launderettes

Tales and Truths

Black Apples

Say Yeah

Eastern Edges

Lightning Tent


We wrapped the season on a sobering note when we heard the sad news that the camp that Liz and her family attend each summer, Camp Berkeley Tuolomne, was wiped out in the Rim Fire that devastated a lot of California parkland including large parts of Yosemite. Thankfully nobody was hurt as there was time to evacuate but its upsetting news for all the families that made a lot of memories there.



Music Supervisor for critically acclaimed sleeper hit from Andrew Marlowe (The Astronaut's Wife) and Rob Bowman (The X-Files). Have featured a wide selection of up and coming indie pop artists (Golden State, Voluntary Butler Scheme, Lindsey Ray), critically acclaimed contemporary artistss (Amos Lee, The Frames, Band Of Skulls) as well as mainstream artists (Pearl Jam and Billy Idol). Commissioned three custom rock songs written for specific storyline. (2009-current)

Big C 2013 Playlist On Spotify


big c 2013 croppedI am really pleased with the music I placed in "The Big C: hereafter" as we closed out this wonderful series. Most especially William Elliott Whitmore, who I wrote about here, and who deserves so many more fans than he has. And also the divine Bob Mould, I love getting a Minneapolis artist into this Minneapolis-based show! Well, and Admiral Fallow, one of my new favorite bands of the last couple years. Okay, well all of them, really! Always one to take advantage of new technology, I've thrown up a Spotify playlist, just click on this link The Big C 2013 Spotify Playlist and it should appear! It only shows the first five tracks, be sure to select the tiny 'See more tracks' button to get the full list. I would love a facebook 'like' or a Spotify 'follow' once you get there. I'll set up Spotify playlists for my other series soon, promise. Meanwhile, please support these wonderful artists, buy some music, concert tickets, t-shirts!

Holy Shemp! Making Real Music for TV Bands on Castle


Andrew Marlowe, the top dog and creator of Castle, sent me the script with a brief note: "Call me." I could see why - the (brilliant) script centered around a band and the murder of their lead guitar player. In Castle tradition, we would need to make everything as authentic as possible, that meant creating songs that ABC could own that sounded like real songs, coaching actors to mime instruments convincingly to the songs and personify musician-ness, plus it all had to be done weeks ahead of time, for the shoot day instead of just within the editing bay. In short, there's really nothing that creates more work for music supervisors than bands on-screen ... but nothing more fun either! I tapped Simon Petty, one of my favorite songwriters of all time (see: Minibar: Road Movies for just one example) who turned around the killer song that closes the episode, "Back Out On The Road Again", in an extremely short amount of time. Per the script, the song had to sound like a new direction for "Holy Shemp", the TV band, as well as feature bass prominently to go with the storyline, and additionally needed to allow for backing vocals that "Esposito" would chime in for the final scene. After delivering on all counts on the songwriting front, he teamed up with Los Angeles via New Zealand producer/songwriter Greg Johnson to record the song in Greg's Santa Monica studio and delivered it just in time to get final approvals and take to the set for the shoot! Simon accompanied me on shoot day to coach the musicians and we had fun being mini-TV moguls for the day. (Which really meant we tried to stay out of the way and do exactly what the director wanted at all times.)

The other song in the episode, "Lies", is rehearsed by the band when Castle and Beckett confront the lead singer, and it has a story all its own. This episode was written by Castle co-producer Rob Hanning. His son Noah is an extremely talented guitar player and while Rob was working on the episode he heard Noah composing a song that he quite liked ... you guessed it, Rob added some lyrics and that song ended up becoming "Lies" - a team effort!

So I think you can tell, a good time was had by all ... after 11pm west coast time, there will be links below for a (24 hour) free download of "Back Out On The Road Again" and a behind-the-scenes-interview with Jon Huertas (Esposito) in the recording studio with Simon & Greg! Meanwhile you can use the links below to follow this story to some good songs!

Free download of closing song "Back Out On The Road Again"

Simon Petty official site (for his latest project Solomon's Seal)

Greg Johnson official site

Behind The Scenes with Jon Huertas ("Esposito"), Simon, and Greg

Minibar - Road Movies (one of my top albums of all time but don't stop there get all the Minibar albums)


Eight Quick Picks: DB+St.V, Grizzly Bear, Two Gallants, Field Report, Cat Power and more

Hi, I'm back from a maternity break - doubled the size of the family by adding twins! I still found plenty of time to listen to new music, mostly while feeding them. They're the most musically up-to-date newborns around! Here's eight quick picks on recent new releases to make up for my absence, go on, spend that back-to-school money at the record store!

David Byrne & St. Vincent - Love This Giant: Amazon :: iTunes :: Official Site Wacky young songstress teams up with elder statesman of wackiness. Beautiful music ensues.

Field Report - Field Report: Amazon :: iTunes :: Official Site Field Report - Is part of Bon Iver. Done.

Two Gallants - The Bloom and The Blight: Amazon :: iTunes :: Official Site Until further notice you can assume this band and anyone thats part of this band is always on my 'must have' list.

Grizzly Bear - Shields: Amazon :: iTunes :: Official Site Two words: Grizzly. Bear. You already love it.

Ryan Lerman - Pinstripes, The Sky: Amazon :: iTunes :: Official Site Yummy singer-songwriter with intriguing production. Probably the first artist to cover Adele and Elliott Smith on the same album.

Rhett Miller - The Dreamer: Amazon :: iTunes :: Official Site Totally unfair that he is utterly talented and utterly handsome.

Hungry Ghost - Hungry Ghost: Amazon :: iTunes :: Official Site Former members of Unwound make a new sound that is a melange of Led Zeppelin, X, White Stripes, and Sleater-Kinney.

Cat Power - Sun: Amazon :: iTunes :: Official Site Phenomenal return from an indie favorite.